Ferg’s Misfortune Cat is Back in Black (2.22)


It’s been a spell since Playge dropped the first white edition of Ferg’s Misfortune cat.  Collectors have been waiting on the two black editions for quite a while.  The wait comes to an end this Monday (2.22, 10 AM PDT) with the release of the black (‘n red) Misfortune cat (ed. of 150, 9”) for $85 from the Playge web shop.  Class release comes with a velvet bag (dust! what dust?).

While we’re convinced that Neko Cats have become the new bunny or is that the new monkey, this playful and a bit twisted take wins us over.  Not to mention the luscious clear read accents – eyes and tongue.  Since the world is always about “next”, we’re wondering when the black + green edition is coming. 
