New Moon: Interpretations of the Chinese Zodiac (2.5)


Myplasticheart NYC will present its second annual New Moon group show on February 5th, 2010.  The show celebrates the twelve animas of the Chinese Zodiac. The show will feature work on a diverse set of media – paintings, collages, custom toys, digital and more.   Curated by John Wong, this year’s group of artists include — Dino Alberto, Angry Woebots, Andrew Bell, Leandro Castelao, Alberto Cerriteno, Mike Davis, Yoko d’Holbachie, Tristan Eaton, Mayuko Fujino, Leontine Greenberg, Lauren Gregg, Dan Goodsell, Stella Im Hultberg, kaNO, Yumiko Kayukawa (above), Ken Keirns, Dan May, Martin Ontiveros, Carlos Ramos, Brent Nolasco, Okkle, Lou Pimentel, Reactor-88, Griselda Sastrawinata, Mary Louise Silva, and Tom Whalen

Be sure to visit the New Moon page to read a growing list of mini-interviews with the artists.

210 Forsyth St.
New York, New York 10002