He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (1.8.10)

martin hsu sorceress

Gallery 1988 continues to  pay homage to pop culture’s role in shaping a new generation of artists with its annual ‘Under the Influence’ group  shows.  This year it’s He-man and the Masters of the Universe opening on Friday, January 8th 2010 (7-10 PM).  He-Man, Skeletor, She-Ra and Castle Grayskull were all the rage at one point (ok, I feel OLD).   Enjoy this preview featuring the work of Martin Hsu (above), Jake Waldron, Audrey Pongracz, Terribly Odd, Ken Keirns and Drake Brodahl .  Enjoy.

Gallery 1988
7020 Melrose Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90038

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