Scooter & Jinx 24 Hr X-Box Challenge For Children In Need (11.22)


This Sunday, November 22nd beginning at 12PM GMT through Monday, November 23rd ending at Noon, toy store Scooter & Jinx will be on their Xbox 360’s for a full 24 hours and are looking for you help to keep them awake. This full day of games isn’t just for recreational purposes. This is all done for Children In Need and they set up a Just Giving Page, which is where you would go to send in your donations. Be sure to login onto your Xbox’s on the 22nd and add their gamer tag:TheCrackFoxx. Do what you can to keep these guys awake for this charitable cause. Be sure to spread the word through all social networks, ie; Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, or your own personal blogs.