SDCC 09 – Super7 Releases & Events


Super7 finally announced all of the awesomeness they plan to bring out for SDCC 09. They will be releasing some new figures, amazing colorways of figures we’ve become fans of, and will give everyone an opportunity to meet a ton of amazing artists behind these figures. They spill the beans on the goods here or you can check everything out after the jump.


Big Sal by Kathie Olivas & Brand Peters will be released along with their signing on Thursday, July 23rd at 3PM. Big Sal comes from the Monster Family series and is a collaberative figure between these two amazing artists. They will be  $25 each and available until all sold out.




Red Lucha Bear by Itokin Park will be released at Noon on Friday, July 24th at $65 each. Mr. Park will be at the Super7 booth at 11AM to sign and meet the fans. The Red Lucha Bear is a clear based vinyl with red and silver glitter, which includes custom designed paper inserts.




Jade Mongolion by L’amour Supreme will be available all days of the convention, but be sure to catch L’amour on Friday. July 24th at 3PM who will be signing at the S7 Booth. The detail is amazing on this figure and the colors really pop and add emphasis on the detail. These will be available for $65 each.



Bwana Spoonst, Le Merde, and Josh Herbolsheimer will be at the booth for a group signing of their newest figures. Available at Noon on Saturday, July 25th will be a special 3 figure pack featuring unpainted versions of Steven The Bat, Holis, and Rose Vampire. This special set will be available for $50.




What is Super7 without Brian Flynn? He will be signing on Saturday, July 25th at 4PM. Flynn will be bringing along some secret goodies he has been working on, as well as some SD Dokuwashi figures.




P.G.I.D Mummy Boy by Brian Flynn will be available all days with the price tag of $50 each. The S7 mascot has been cast in a newly developed vinyl. In solid pink this cute mummy will glow a bright green.






From the debut album cover of the Gorilla Biscuits comes the Green Gorilla Biscuits SDCC Exclusive. A tribute to G.I. Joe, this army hreen vinyl comes in a wooden footlocker with wraparound art of the gorilla. This awesome piece will be available on all days for $65 each.





G.I.D. Frank(Berry)Fighter is a collaberation fighting figure with Super7 and Secret Base. A tribute to the most popular living dead character in the cereal industry, Frankenberry. This amazing piece glows in a bright blue and will be available on all days for $65 a piece.




Magenta Massacre Hollis by Le Merde will be available on all days for $25 and is he is also apart from the Monster Factory series. Hollis
is an avid tennis player and so happens to also be the leader of Zeu.




Also from the Monster Factory, we have Citrus Steven The Bat by Bwana Spoons. Steven has returned in an all new shape. He will be hanging around the con for $25 a piece on all days until sold out.




Milton is the latest creation of Brian Flynn’s and looks like an ice cream I wouldn’t dream of licking. He is the first of the candy characters, who last debuted in the S7 09 Lucky Bags. This G.I.D. figure will be available on all days for $15 each.




The Glitter Ooze Bat by Chanman is another fantastic release from the folks of S7. This exclusive is covered in a metalic silver glitter on clear vinyl. Get yours on any day of SDCC for $50 each.





From Skull Toys is the exclusive Skulletor Dokurocks figure who so happens to be a tribute piece by the evil Skeletor. The Skulletor Dokurocks will be available on all days for $45 each.