Rivet Gallery is proud to present to you an upcoming show featuring two amazing artists, Luke Feldman & Shannon Bonatakis. These two artist have been hard at work to give the people of Columbus an extraordinaire show. Opening reception takes place on Saturday, March 7th from 7 PM – 10 pm only at Rivet. We are also happy to see that Shannon Bonatakis will also be attending the show. Rivet supplied some inside info on these artists, which so happen to be available for your viewing pleasure right after the jump.
Rivet Gallery
1200 N. High St.
Columbus, OH 43201
Luke Feldman, the creator of SKAFFS, is an Australian artist based in the USA, that creates for a multitude of platforms. Inspired by childhood experiences and a vivid imagination, his illustrations and animations are distinctive with defined lines, elaborate detail, and intensely vibrant colours. SKAFFS is a collection of work made up of art, animation, games, giant vinyl adhesives, skatedecks and collector toys. Luke’s most recent achievement is the release of his limited edition book through San Francisco-based publishers, Immedium. Desktop Magazine describe Chaff n’ Skaffs: Mai and the lost Moskivvy as "the perfect conduit for Feldman’s imagination combining his waif like lasses and charming characters with the beautiful, yet unpredictable realm that is the unique Australian environment."
Luke’s vast technical experience and skills developed working in numerous mediums. While the scope of his work is extensive, it is bound together through his unique and dynamic style; a style that has led to a number of awards, exhibitions and collaborations with high profile artists including Theodore Geisel and Maurice Sendak and companies such as Disney, Coca-Cola, Facebook.
"Luke Feldman’s artwork blends the classic stylings of 1950s Disney with a modern design sensibility to create something both cutting edge and timeless." Andrew Farago, Manager & curator, San Francisco Cartoon Art Museum Gallery
Shannon Bonatakis engages her viewers using highly stylized and emotionally charged portraiture. Inspired by human experiences both personal and interpersonal, she lovingly interprets these universal emotions through her subjects. Often autobiographical in some capacity, her paintings give us a candid window into the deep dark caverns of the artist’s psyche. These narratives are often left open to interpretation, but emanate a deep personal significance to the creator which is not always clear, but always compelling.