Today on Proto Monday we introduce a new chapter in Itokin Park’s toy history. Here’s a sweet look at Kazuhiko Ito’s first self-produced original vinyl – Lucha Bear. Featuring a slightly different style from his previous figures, this one is a tribute to many childhood hours spent in front of the TV mesmerized by professional wresting. His favorite competitor was a foreign-born masked luchadaor wrestler.
Along with pictures of protos (grey and black) – Kazu also sent along design art plus some sweet factory shots of early production, including the rotocast molds and just-pulled vinyl (with the ragged edges, prior to cutting).
The 6” figure is in the later stages of development through a Japanese vinyl factory. The debut color release (w/sparkle) will drop in the 2nd half of March in Japan from the Itokin Park web store. It will also be available from select stores in the USA and UK.
From hand-made resins (which ruled), to vinyl to his own self-produced vinyl – Itokin Park continues to grow and excel. Impressive and justly deserved. If you’re in SF, be sure to come out for his solo show opening this Saturday, February 28th @ Super7.