Today we continue our exclusive Roll Call of Shawnimals’ Pocket Pork Series 3 from myplasticheart, a daily look at the six porks featured in this newest micro plush series which debuts at NYCC.
Today’s featured pork just might scare away the neighbors but he is still a PORK even if he’s a bit freaky. Mutant Pork is the most elusive of Pocket Pork Series 3… so far, at 1/10.
Keep it pointed to Vinyl Pulse to learn about each Pocket Pork from S3 as it’s revealed. Once NYCC starts, be sure to drop by the mph booth (#866) to pick up a Pocket Pork or perhaps a handful. Also, Shawnimal Smith will be on-hand signing for collectors at the booth on Friday (2.6) @ 5:30 PM and Saturday (2.7) @ 1 PM.