Wonderwall will release the first painted Mysterious Island Jambara figures, Pocl and Tiruru, by Kaijin during the Popbox pop-culture event to be held March 2nd through the 22nd @ Shibuya LOFT in Tokyo. Pocl Sunlight and Tiruru Moonlight are pretty stunning with vibrant spray on colored translucent vinyl. Each is limited to 50 pieces and will retail for 2520 yen (~ $28 USD) exclusively @ Popbox.
Popbox will feature some of the most talented Japanese illustrators and designers over its three week run including: 460, CUE, DEVILROBOTS, KAIJIN, MADBARBARIANS, Mizuka, NEKONOKO, pe:pe, T9G, TOUMA, Toshio Asakuma, Anne Imai, Ayumi Urayama, Eri Kamijo, Gumliens, Yuki Koishikawa, Konatsu, Zarigani Works, Yoko Sueyoshi, Noriya Takeyama, Yukinori Dehara, Etsuko Fukushi, Naohide Yoshikawa, Mushroom cafe, Wakako Miki and Kaori Wakamatsu.