Shawnimals – The Chronicles of Professor Fliggins


Shawnimals is lifting the lid on their newest project – The Chronicles of Professor Fliggins and his Kerchief Dirgible.  The year-long project follows the explorations of the Professor as he sets out to make scientific discoveries  in his quest to rise from the ranks of Junior Discoverist.  Shawnimals will release a limited-edition hand-made plush each month from the professor’s journeys for the next  12 months.   The first of which is the fly Sausage Cadet shown above.  We’re looking forward to learning more about the unfolding story over the next year.  Click through for more pics after the jump.

 Fliggins_CrestFliggins_PFF  Launch_Teaser01 Launch_Teaser02 Fliggins_Logo