Kaijin Toy 2009 @ FewMany (01.12)


To start off the new year FewMany will host a mini exhibition filled with figures, customs, and paintings by Kaijin. Also to be released during the show will be a new series by Kaijin, The Mysterious Island Jambara. The show will debut Tiruru and Pocl, which will also be available for purchase for 2100 Yen ($20 US) in stores as well as online. Another figure to be released for that day is the Musyubel in blue vinyl priced at 5250 Yen ($50 US). To those lucky enough to be in the area, be sure to check out this show because it will be amazing. Pictures of a few releases after the jump.


Zip 160-0022
3-17-21 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
New Building 1F 3

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