David Horvath Signing Schedule & Ugly Doll Action Figure Release @ NYCC


David Horvath had just put up his signing schedule for the Ugly Doll Booth (#1021) at NYCC which goes as follows as well as a few more things happening at the booth:

Friday – Beginning at 4 PM
Saturday – Beginning at 2pm
Sunday – Beginning at 2 PM

Also available at their booth will be the release of the new Ugly Doll Action Figures. It is safe to know that with every case comes with a full set and no repeats. This would be just an early release so you do not have to worry, these will be available at all stores that carry Ugly Doll products. They have even come up with a full proof idea to let you know if someone had tampered with your blind box previously by using a special rounded tape.


Lastly Hidden Poe will be attending the con, but only in limited numbers. Once he is gone, he is gone and never to be made ever again. If they do in fact run out Hidden Poe may be found on the online shop or to other stores.
