Bwana Spoons – Hand-Painted Dolly (1.23)


Fueled by the  heat of the debut launch of his new Dolly the Dolphin vinyl from Gargamel, Bwana Spoons will drop his Out of the Sea Dolly the Dolphin, the very first ever hand-painted dolly edition this Friday.  The Rainbow Master started with the clear + gold dust vinyl base from the first release and went to town with turquoise, translucent blue and translucent green sprays.  This hp edition, a few customs + bwana’s first print of ‘09 will be offered to his SARS club at 10 AM PST on 1.23.  Any remaining stock will be made available to the public at noon via his store.   More pics after the jump (note: These pics were taken before the final clear glaze was applied).

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