Shawnimals and myplasticheart have teamed up once again to bring you bite-sized plush dumpling morsels. Just in time for the Holidays comes Pocket Pork Series 2.5: For the Love of Pork. This special series is all about love. The Blue Unrequited Pork is down in the dumps because the object of his affection, the yellow smitten pork has eyes set on the mysterious Lovely Pork.
The special blind-bagged series is limited to 100 pieces and features 70 Unrequited Pork and 30 Smitten Porks. It drops this Wednesday, December 10th starting at 1 PM EST for $11.99 per blind bag from myplasticheartnyc and These ship with bonus goodies. And what about Lovely Pork ? Next year, my dear 😉