Power Ranger Rabbotto is Luke Chueh’s 2nd figure for Intheyellow’s Kaiju for Grownups line (KFGU). The followup of sorts to Mecha Sad Bear invokes the now ubiquitious Power Rangers – a band of five warriors who thanks to the wonder (or is that horror?) of remixing have found new life battling Japanese monsters for the enjoyment of American audiences.
Luke’s design goal for Power Ranger Rabbotto was to strike a balance between the genre inspiration and his own art – without one overpowering the other. So while the 70’s bad-ass kitsch comes through, the face and the ears put the Chueh stamp on the design.
Power Ranger Rabbotto is due in ‘09 and will naturally be available in five colorways: Red, Blue, Black, Yellow and Pink. Click through for full-length shots of the upcoming figure.