Incoming: Pugzee by Dave Cortes


For all you pug fans, this is the figure for you! With cigar in one hand,baseball bat in the other, and hat tilted we introduce you to Pugzee. Created by sculptor Dave Cortes who is known for working with a lot of the big name toy manufacturers has come up with his own toy piece. Pugzee is an English speaking foot tall pug with a Brooklyn accent. A mob boss with attitude who’s saying was “I’m Happy, Everybody’s Happy.” makes his debut to all the toy fans out there.

Soon to be available through Cookies-N-Cream he stands at about 4.5” – 5” tall and comes with a removable hat and bat. The most unique feature of this figure would have to be the removable thought,shout, and statement bubbles. The bubbles come blank and the figure comes along with a dry erase markers so you can write what you would like Pugzee to say. 2 versions of this sculpt will be released, a Jail Outfit Pugzee (700 pieces) and a White Shirt Pugzee (300 pieces). At around $30 dollars a piece you will see some of these funds going to the ASPCA. Pictures of both versions right after the jump.

pugzee-exclusive2 pz_street jailbird