Preview of Art + Action – Custom Obama Action Figure Show


Awhile back we wrote about Art + Action, a group show featuring artist customs of the Barrack Obama action figure produced by Jailbreak toys.   Here’s a preview of two very different but equally cool customs for the show which opens this Friday (10.17) from 7 to 11 PM at The Showroom NYC.   Proceeds from the art sales will be donated to the Obama for America campaign.

Taking an unusual approach, paper artist Matt Hawkins turns in a humorous and clever piece featuring Obama as the commander in-chief of a paper White House ‘bot.  Definitely some laughter here as we took a look at the pics. 

Sucklord’s piece is similar only in the sense that it combines the Obama figure with another.  In this case, Mr. Suck has fused the head of the Obama figure with the body of his own Suckadelic 600 vinyl figure  bathed in a copper glow.  Set against a round coin-like background, we’d say that this is probably a reference to Abraham Lincoln’s image on the penny.   While this comparison isn’t wholly original – it’s heartfelt.  Or perhaps it’s merely a reference to presidential images on coins – either way it’s a nice piece.   Click through for a closer look at each piece.

Suckadelic Obama (W) 2

The Showroom NYC
117 2nd Avenue (& 7th Street), 2nd floor
New York, NY 10003

Obama-Mathew-Hawkins Suckadelic Obama (W) 1