The Funkeys: Custom Art Show + Charity Event (flier) opens on Friday September 26th [7-11 PM] @ MunkyKing. Curated and organized by the Mattel Children’s Foundation, the Art of Elysium and Munky King, the show will feature over 100+ customized versions of special large vinyl Funkeys from well-known artists, toy industry professionals, and children who will receive assistance through this charity event.
The customs will be sold via silent auction with proceeds going to The Art of Elysium, a charity organization that works with volunteer actors, artists, and musicians to work with and enrich the lives of children dealing with serious medical conditions.
So if you’re calendar is still bare for Friday, come on out, check out the army of custom Funkeys and maybe bid on a piece or two to support a very worthwhile cause. RSVP for the VIP opening [6 -7 PM] by emailing plex[at]munkyking[dot]com. More show previews after the jump — click through.
Munky King
7308 Melrose Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90046