Ekundayo & KMNDZ — Red Forest (10.10.08)


This show has been on our ‘must-see’ list since Thinkspace Gallery published their ’08 gallery. Opening on Friday, October 10th, Red Forest features the work of Ekundayo and KMNDZ each of whom produce excellent urban influenced art.  Each artist comes from a different starting point — Ekundayo focuses on his own  unique organic universe while KMNDZ’s work tends to focus on the more mechanical and automated aspects including prominent depiction of robots of all sorts.  The results though are highly complimentary or perhaps we should just say  awesome + awesome = more awesome!

To ease the anxiety, Thinkspace has posted some sneaks on their flickr.  We’ve cherry picked a few from Ekundayo, check ’em after the jump (KMNDZ to come).

in progressThe Dribble Down Effect