Dark Horse Journals: tokidoki, Tara McPherson & Meomi


While some of us can almost live on toys alone – Dark Horse knows that we can always use a place to scribble down our daily thoughts and random bits of info that we come across – you know run sizes, drop dates, the name of our favorite mule to trek across the country to a con to buy a “must have” piece, essential information to be sure.  Their artist series of journals serve the need with style.  Each journal features art on both covers, is spiral bound, has several different page styles which repeat throughout the book and retails for $9.99.

The newest editions include tokidoki’s Kaiten Sushi journal (his 2nd),  one from Meomi and Tara McPherson’s Mr. Wiggles Journal.  Tokidoki’s is available now, while Meomi and Tara McPherson’s drop on October 8th.  Before we go I thought we’d say a bit about the inside – yes the pages have artwork on them, and most journals have six different page designs that repeat throughout the book. Kaiten Sushi actually has 8 different pages – score.   After the jump – pics of the journals including some interior pages. 

