This Saturday (8.16) Fresh Manila will have a huge event for the releases of their exclusive Mad*L, Benny And Red Bird, and Scavenger Exclusive. Entertainment provided by the Fresh boys with beer and street food.
Seems as if their is a new Mad*L coming out every month, but this one is especially special. Featuring the Filipino Flag as the design for the exclusive Mad*L designed and produced by MAD and Solid Industries, and inspired by the custom created by Kris Butiong (hey that’s me!) they bring together a lot of pride into 5”of vinyl.
It ain’t silver, but its Platinum! From Mindstyle and Kathie Olivas Fresh brings you their Platinum Benny And Red Bird exclusive. Decked out from top to bottom in a shiny platinum colored coat of paint. Limited to 50 pieces priced at 6,500 PHP ($145 US) this will be the most limited of the Benny series. Not enough KO for you? Fresh will also have an exclusive platinum scavenger. Audrey is her name and is only limited to 100 pieces and priced at 600 PHP ($14 US).
One more thing! The “Pili Fuckin Pinas” t-shirt will be released and will be only release of that design for only 1,500 PHP ($33 US). Doors open at 1 PM at Fresh Manila, so be sure to be there and enjoy the fun!
Fresh Manila
5 Sgt. Esguerra St. South Triangle
District 4 1103, Quezon City Philippines