Pushead’s Skeletal Carnival 3: Mike Sutfin’s Bop Dragons


For the first time ever, Pushhead is bringing the Skeletal Carnival event from Japan to the USA.  Skeletal Carnival 3 will go down on Thursday, June 24th @ 3:39 PM in Super7’s SDCC Booth.  Pushead has hand-picked artists to show off their dark talents.  

Toybot Studios has the inside scoop with an exclusive preview of Mike Sutfin’s  hand-painted Bop Dragons (Rumble Monsters).  These look wicked from Kirkland Jue’s tight photography (as always).  Shown are two of the total 39 hand-painted pieces.  Incredible work.  Line up early on Thursday at SDCC if you want one – oh and save your pennies (lots of em!).  After the jump – a few more pics.  [Source: Toybot Studios]

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