VanBeater’s CrappyCat

Last December, VanBeater let the cat out of the bag … CrappyCat, his new inebriated project, would be running amok in ’08 from Jamungo.  We  tracked VanBeater down and grilled him about his new figure.  He also sent along some nice shots of his new baby with an almost spent six-pack in tow (detail on the can rules).

Who is CrappyCat?
VB: He is the AntiKitty.

Is he accident prone or a pirate?
VB: CrappyCat
is no pirate. He is on a path of self destruction. He has a problem
with foresight and doesn’t learn from his mistakes. Mix in a few
cocktails, and there you have it … CrappyCat. The eye patch is a
completely different story tho.

He’s a preppy dresser — by choice or is he just conforming?
VB: For him, dressing nice is a social camouflage so he can function unnoticed in his "condition."

[Standing 9" tall, CrappyCat will initially be released in the standard
edition (red, white, black)
limited to 750 pieces and a mono edition
(250 pieces)
.   Expect a whole arsenal of CrappyCat merch as well. Click through for more pics including some sweet illustrations].