Dez Einswell – Wall Murals @ SURU

Dez Einswell hit the walls — inside ‘n out — @ SURU yesterday in prep for his Destination Unknown solo opening tonightSaturday, March 29th 2008 (7-11 PM).  Wielding a black paint pen, Dez made quick work of the inside of SURU — back wall first and then side wall.  With quick and smooth lines and curves, Dez brought his Doodle Barn to the Melrose boutique.  Part of the lure of Dez’s work are his line-heavy scenes which challenge the viewer to pick out the individual characters.  Very cool to see the mesh of black lines quickly turn from abstract shapes into a finished piece.  The outer wall went slightly slower with the added challenge of working on a ladder waaaay up.  Towards the end, the paint pen was in full drip mode adding to the look. 

The show looks good with several sweet paintings as well as a handful of prints featuring spot hand-painted elements.  Be sure to come out  tonight to check out the art, the exclusive SURU black n’ blue Whyno vinyl, show exclusive tees and home decor (yup — Doodle Barn Pillows and Glassware).   Click through for a mega gallery — enjoy!

7662 Melrose
Los Angeles, CA