Boredomsqueezer – Boring Juice + Design Submissions

HK design studio Boredomsqueezer, probably best known for their fashionable 1:6 scale figures, will soon drop their 3" Boring Juice line featuring Boring Juice Boy and Girl from Play Imaginative.  Boring Juice ?  Here’s the scoop.

"Boring Juice" comes from the "something boring series". This central
theme in the "something boring" series is something boring in our
lives. We can’t choose everything in life, job… food… drink…. or
anything else. So the boring guy will change his body to anything….
starting out as "juice". Boring Juice promotes juicy and good tasting
drinks; it’s ok even though orange juice, apple juice and grape juice
are not 100% juice!

Now, these are cool…   Take Boredomsqueezer’s funky characters and combine them with a tried-and-true Mr. Potato play mechanic and add in really nice sculpts and you have a sweet design.  From these proto pics, we’re expecting a very nice final product.   Play Imaginative is looking for design submissions for the Boring Juice figures.  To receive a template, please email jacky[at]playimaginative[dot]com.    The deadline for submission is February 15th, 2008. [Proto Pics from Boredomsquuezer Blog].