Ghost RIS and Ewok 5MH @ (8.31.07)

Prominent NYC Graffiti artists Ghost RIS and EWOK 5MH will present a joint  web show of their recent original artwork @ starting on August 31st and running through September 27th.

Both Ghost and Ewok  have  well-established underground followings as respected graffiti writers.  Ghost, an NYC subway legend, made his mark turning heads with his painting on trains.  Ewok has been painting walls in NYC and around the world since 1990.   Their influence and presence has grown beyond  the streets as each has expanded into other venues and mediums including fine art  and more recently original art toys.

This new show from Ghost and Ewok will feature  recent paintings, works on paper and joint
collaborative pieces.  Be sure to check it out starting on 8.31 — accessible worldwide
24/7 through the ‘net @  A break from the traditional physical gallery, has recently showed the work of several artists including Daniel Johnston, Chris "Daze" Ellis,  and Bravo Jett.