Touma’s mini exhibition III opening tomorrow (11.20.06) @ Fewmany in Japan stars his newest figure Maocat. In addition to the clear blue Maocats, Touma has created two small series of custom MacCats — 10 Lucha Libre Maocats with resin masks, and 31 Mike Maocats each with different brown and black spray patterns. Check out all the Maocats over @ Fewmany’s exhibition page. Based on past exhibitions, we believe Fewmany is accepting overseas orders — email for inquiries.
I LOVE Touma an dhave been following his work since before Toy2R BUT this looks like ha just farted and someone made a figure happen
why is it that the popular atists just seem to get lazy or overextended
Actually I think the Maocats are a very strong release–still clearly in the “Touma family” but with a whole new aesthetic. And the quality of these Japanese-made figs kills 95% of the other stuff out there.
No question on quality
Japan vinyl is best in terms of quality
I just think that looking at Toumas work, this design in particular shows very little thought or imagination