Celebrating the Circus Punk as a versatile and personable art canvas, Out of Vogue (flier) opens this Saturday, December 2nd at mixi-bang! in Pasadena, CA. Curated by Amy Duran, Out of Vogue will feature customs from some of the top artists involved in postbrow art and designer toys. In addition to the one-off pieces, exclusive limited edition 15" punks (20 of each) by Craola, Shag, tokidoki, Reuben Rude, Thomas Han & Bob Dob will be available during the opening.
As extra incentive to show up early, raffle tickets will be handed out to the first 100 people in line for 50 slick Circus Punks goodie bags filled with all sorts of CP shwag. The first person in line will get a special bag for his/her dedication. Come out to the show to celebrate the brilliant independence of the Circus Punsks buy some art, and of course check out Tim Biskup’s Bispop Holiday party right next door at Johnson Motors. Oh did, I mention this will be the place to spot and meet your favorite artists ? 😉
36 W. Colorado Blvd. #5
Pasadena, CA 90015