October Toys’s
SAGA (Super Awesome Gwins Artists) is a monthly project featuring custom
Gwins. For the holiday month of December they are showcasing custom
Gwins from the dynamic duo Dr. Bao and Spive of NVC
and you know what that means….crazy custom toys. For this
project, they managed not to do just one, or two, or three but
five…five custom Gwins. A trio of cyborgs makes up the "The Gwin SWAT Army",
a pure invasion of ultra coolness of penguin and machine.
Next up is a
play off of Dr. Seuss’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas, but this time around it
is GWINCH who stole Christmas. I love the details of the life-like Christmas villain. Lastly, but not least is the hand sculpted Mister Lunatiq, a dreamy Gwin. The three Cyborg Gwins will be available for sale at Gwinarmy.com while Gwinch and Mister Lunatiq will be auctioned on eBay to benefit an organization working to assist those with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. Be sure to pick up your favorite NVC Gwins from October Toys for the upcoming holidays.
I was just thinking abotu these guys and what are they up to!
Those NVC figures are not that great. They’ve done better! They look cluttered and rushed.
The last 2 look good. I especially like the Gwinch.