Alpha Cult celebrated it’s one year anniversary with Exhibit: A, a group show featuring original 2D and 3D around the theme of toys, this past Saturday (8.26.06). 2D work on canvas, paper, wood and various found objects made up the majority of the show along with a nice selection of custom toys — both vinyl and other media including cermaic, wood and found objects. Turn out was really excellent with a large crowd for most of the night. All in all, the vibe was really upbeat and the show offered up a decidedly urban vision from the 25+ participating artists. Keep an eye on — the show pieces should be available online for purchase shortly.
Just a few quick notes on Alpha Cult. This was our first visit to the store (located in downton Long Beach). Owned by Daniel Farias and Sally Sun, the store has a really nice selection of vinyl from minifigures to larger toys, from just released to some recent classics. Echoing card stores they also have "singles"/open box minifigs in the display case up front. I think this is the first time I’ve seen a retail store do this. It’s great to have an outpost for designer vinyl in Long Beach. So if you’re in Long Beach or even the OC and on the hunt for vinyl, check it out.
Daniel and Sally — Alpha Cult Owners
Tracy Tubera
Brandon Sopinksy
Blaine Fontana
Rick Reese
Josh Clay
Battery Life
Lauren Gregg
J. Fuchs
Aaron Kraten
John Michael Gill
Brandon Sopinksy
Danny Estrada
Jerrell Conner
Liz Adams
Robert Pokorny
Nick Da Ring
Keiith Noordzy
Dodge Distad
Klairay Brown
Cameron Tiede
Tyler Russell
Brandon Sopinsky
Eric Anderson
Sally Sun
To Die For