Wow, Toy Tokyo has it going on for SDCC. In addition to the previously announced exclusives, they will also have the following (plus more still up their sleeves) toys available at booth #5325:
Pete Fowler SDCC Exclusive TRWG – Nice. Pete Fowler’s designs are top notch, can’t wait to see this at the booth.
Spanky Toy Tokyo Exclusive Wonderfulman (40 pieces) from Headlock Studios– Headlock Studios produces toys with a unique look that blend Japanese design with American pop cutural references. The three Wonderfulman — Ziro, Bangcyo, and Subro — will apparently also be available in powder blue at Taipei Toy Festival (not from TT).
Limited Edition 13" Frankenberry Bobblehead ?GID? – Interesting — light pink GID? Will verify and update this. Also, look for other cereal character-based toys from TT in the future. Available for preorder for $29.99.
RatFink – Big Daddy Roth’s iconic character that spurred the lowbrow movement is available in gold (200 pieces) and silver (100).
Thanks to Toy Tokyo for the larger images of their SDCC toys.
Are you serious?
Pete Fowler’s Monsterism items are some of my fav’s. This one is great.
The Japanese styled American Pop toys sound like they’ll be cool.
I’m not a big bobble head fan but Frankenberry? Sweet.
Aw yes, the rat fink. wonderful.