Thuderdog Studios dropped Tristan Eaton’s Your Momma figure during SDCC at a special release party held this past Saturday night @ ESA Lofts near the convention center. The SDCC exclusive black and gold Your Momma went on sale around 8 PM and Tris was there signing the figs and boxes for collectors. This edition is limited to 100 pieces and was available for $150 each. In my personal opinion, this was clearly the toy of the show. Why? Passion. This figure brings Tristan’s personal art into 3d without any compromises. To put it over the top, it comes with a whole set of accessories including baseball bat with nail spike, baseball cap, hair (with "TRS" molded into the front), necklace, slippers, and of course a baby mini-fig stored in the belly. Finally, this is art that makes a statement not a neutered design run through by a committee concerned about sales and demographics.
The party was probably the best get together of the ‘con: tons of
artists and industry people in a nice relaxed environment with tunes
courtesy of Snoop Dogg’s DJ. We hung out upstairs (where the AC was) and everyone groaned when the AC was ‘cycled’ but that was a minor incovenience given the setting and the people. Fans and artists broke out sketch books and drew throughout the night. Oh before I forget, along the wall were ten designs for a series of upcoming Thundermutts from artists represented by BA including Tristan Eaton and Gary Baseman .
SDCC Exclusive Your Momma
Matt (AZK) stacking Your Momma
Tris signing away
MAD and Sket
MAD, Nichole, Deph, Sket
Make way for Huck!
Cool! I got my arm in one of the pics!!
Looks like a good time.
This upcoming design looks really nice!
Sorry, Mark and I didn’t make the party! Our feet were broken….
Damn Comic Con!