Kathie Olivas – Parasitic Haze: The Burden of Consciousness @ Copro Nason (08.19.2006)

He was the independent, the specialist by Kathie Olivas

Kathie Olivas’s solo show, Parasitic Haze: The Burden of Consciousness, opens at Copro Nason on Saturday August 19th from 8 PM to 11:30.  Kathie’s been hard at work prepping for this show which will feature a large number of original paintings as well as a huge selection of custom vinyl toys.  The custom toys excel in terms of artistic expression,  execution,  and variety of platforms (6+ depending on how you count).  Then there’s the sheer number — this is a custom toy army!  Definitely one of the largest group of custom toys done by a single artist in recent memory.    Please contact the gallery to be placed on the waiting list if you’d like to purchase a piece.

Baby with bear hood, squid legs on Munny by Kathie Olivas

Copro Nason Gallery
2525 Michigan Avenue T5 (Bergamot Station)
Santa Monica, CA 90404

5 Replies to “Kathie Olivas – Parasitic Haze: The Burden of Consciousness @ Copro Nason (08.19.2006)”

  1. It has been an amazing experience seeing her create this work this year – everyone will be floored. Genius!

  2. wow… looks like awsome work kathie… espically the squid legs and stuff… awsome awsome awsome !

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