MARS-1’s out-of-this-world Invisible Plan mini-fig series from STRANGEco kicked off at the release party held at Munky King Melrose this past Thursday (6.22.06). MARS-1 was at the event to chat with fans and sign toys. MARS-1 is an extremely humble artist who took the time to sketch for fans and hand-customize his toys including Invisible Plan, the original MARS-1 figure, and the Observer. And yes, women dig designer vinyl. In fact, MARS-1 is quite popular with the ladies — we’ve got a pice to prove it 😉 In addition to the toys, MARS-1 Giclee prints and one-off silkscreened wood panels were also available for purchase. Props to MARS-1, STRANGEco and Munky King for a chill toy release.
Jim Crawford (in the green)
Free booze? Check 😉
On the spot customization
Luke Chueh and MARS-1
Doodled IP fig
Handbag by MARS-1 😉
Ahhh… the good life 😉
Silkscreens on Wood
One of several Giclees
Munky King’s 50-inch Artist Doodled Qee