The DIY Infestation contest has ended. The winner has been picked. Now, let’s look at all of the 140+ diverse and creative Wabbitz designs submitted by peeps from all over. The contestants seemed to really enjoy playing with the irregular shaped head and the uneven sized ears. There’s some real potential in this figure for supporting lots of varied design approaches. It’s been a blast putting this post together as it’s shown me that there’s plenty of relatively undiscovered talent waiting for a shot. Since there are so many designs I’ve spit this into two posts, this one and the second post which will run later this afternoon.
Winner – John Dawbarn
Jason Jacenko
Steve Sampson
Tara Inn
Stefan Dukaczewski
Shan Michael Evans
Sjors Trimbach
Robbert Matthew
Ryan Hungerford
Sense Offender
Scott Francis
Sam Morley
Ryan Farrow
Bucky Lastard
Patrick Mason
Nahum Z
Miguel Gonzales
Rob Ames
Mohamad Reza
Paul Chung
Purple Walrus
Matt Edwards
Margriet Van Ijsseldijk
Laura Sellers
Lee Framer
Lindsay R.
Marco X
J Kochis
Johnny Larocque
J Fuchs
Katherine Rousseau
Rodolphe Capozzi
Ken Groninger
Kristian Yeager
Ashley Elliot
Toby Dutkiewicz
Mike Die
Timm Paxton
I’m surprised Comoseta didn’t win.
i wonder if they even got my submission
This is only about half of the submissions — the other half will be posted this afternoon.