This is the second and final update of all the entries submitted for the now completed DIY Infestation – Custom Wabbitz Contest. Congrats to all those that entered and props to Brandon Sopinksy for bringing this contest idea to us.
Jason Tay
Jeff Stephens
Jerry Hsiao
Jared Cain
Joey Potts
Greg Turra
Dan Fenelon
Fraser Duncan
Dan Burt
Ghy Kurabayashi
Eddy Lezama
Daniel Goffin
Cold Iron
Chris Lewis
Cheryl Crow
Cesar Castillo
Chris Andrade
Julian Kahlon
Brenden Strang
Brice Ambrecht
Brian Castleforte
Brian Sullivan
Bernard Cantollas
Ben Wang
Andrew Ritter
Adrian Pina
Adrian Pina
Alex Guaring
Alex Tranter
Marshall Ferguson
JC Arenas (Robotsoda)
JC Arenas
wow. i guess they lost my submission. that sucks.
The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
nice to see my work somewhere on vinylpulse but the thumbnail link doesn’t work for one of them. -(
peabe: I’ll double-check my submissions, it’s possible I have it but somehow overlooked it. As far as judging, if Brandon sent you a confirmation, he reviewed it and it was judged as he was the sole judge. Sorry for this confusion.
Danny: I’ll fix that link, I believe this is because it’s saved as CYMK rather than RGB.
mmmmm, seems that i can’t see my submissions either… anything from Nahum Z turn up? – it emailed fine from my end.
Nahum: Your entries were in the first set of designs posted today at
This post here contains the second set. I split it
because there were way too man for one post.
i didn’t receive any confirmation from brandon..?
still, nice to see me standing with you guys..there are some diamonds amongst the lot..
ok great! thanks for that.
Joey Potts, you rule.
Yup you guys came up with some crazy ass designs that I would buy for sure.
daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap!!!! so many hot hot designs!!!!! thanks nahum, appreciate that homie!
hey guys sorry for the confusion about entries, I didnt send out confirmations for the entries. Every enrty I recieved I immediatly forwarded to vinyl pulse, so if its not posted I didnt get it. Sorry.
Really? I sent in my enteries a while ago too..And it doesn’t look like mine were got either?
Too late to submitt yea even though I gave in orginally on time?
Ignore that..I didn’t see the first page and I see my enteries there..sorry!