Every morning I open up Gmail curious to see what toy news I will find. Yesterday morning brought one of the coolest customs I’ve seen in quite awhile. Doktor A’s been working on this custom qee called Decaying Orbit for 6 months on and off and the time and care really shows through. Dok’s interest in the extraterrestrial got him thinking "..about all those test animals which were launched into space in the 1950’s… Did any of them come back? Or
are there lots of little dog and monkey skeletons orbiting the earth forever…" From that inspiration comes this ace custom which is so rich in design and is executed so well that I just keep staring at it. I have this urge to lick it. Eye candy, no doubt. Sometimes it seems kinda unfair to talk about individual elements as if that lessens the overall impact of the piece. So I’ll just say that the rust-patina effect is really special as is the use of accessories especially the helmet. Dok’s recent Qees amaze me because it’s as if a superbly drawn comic character has walked right off the page into full 3d Qee reality. Ok, I’ll shut up now. Enjoy!
Decaying Orbit by Doktor A
21 Replies to “Decaying Orbit by Doktor A”
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Andrew Bell is a cool cat and VP is the best news site around. I would love to get a set of prints because there are creatures always in my head even with my eyes open. We all have creatures in our heads.:)
Andrew Bell is a cool cat and VP is the best news site around. I would love to get a set of prints because there are creatures always in my head even with my eyes open. We all have creatures in our heads.:)
WOW, without doubt the best custom qee I have seen.
The level of detail is exquisite!.
What can I say about Andrew Bell. Well he is a great guy and he is the best when it comes to creatures. I would love to own a set of his prints to hang in my cave.hehehe
Rock on VP 😉
Dok…. That’s one insanely beautiful custom!
Dok A! Freakin A!!! That stripey jumper is ace!
What are these coments on Andrew Bell doing here? It’s thrown me!
Definately pushing the bar there Dok, wonderful stuff, really coooooool!
In-freakin-credible Dok…my favorite work of yours yet and you’ve done some doozies! Awesome…
HAha I guess some comments from my print thread got misdirected. Beautiful work Dok, really enjoy it. Got to love that metal paint, good to see you really expanding your style. Cheers.
WOW WOW WOW!that’s excellent Dok, words fail me!
don’t suppose he’s for sale is he?
a monkey one would be great too
i’m over my exclamation mark limit again now
That’s the best custom so far done by you. Totally amaze of your skillz and creativity…KUDOS!!!
DIZAMN!!!…..a whole new level man! fuggin great job!
holy jeezus, that is amazing.
Holy Sheeeeet
Thanks thing is freakin Raw DOK!!!
Dok A+
Wow Thanks for all the great comments people.
I really appreciate the support..
And thanks so much for Jack for such a fantastic write up.. VP is The best toy news site in the whole of Net land!
Bravo!! Bravo!! Keep up the GOOD Work
These look great! One of my favorites!
Best…. custom… EVER!!