The Pizz @ Rotofugi (03.24.06)

Rotofugi Designer Toy Store & Gallery will play host to The Pizz’s newest show Choking Hazard, The Return of the Hellbiker. This time around, The Pizz,
aka the Lord of Lowbrow is taking the long-out-of-circulation Hellbiker
figure based on his paintings and twisting it, turning it, smashing it and
re-inventing it into 30 different Kustoms Konfigurations.  The show will
open on March 24th from 7pm-11pm and runs through to May 22nd. Make
sure you swing by for music, free drinks and a chance to own an amazing  custom toy. Wondering what to expect? Here’s a few quick

Rotofugi Designer Toy Store & Gallery
1953 W. Chicago Ave.
Chicago, IL 60622

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