Wheaty Wheat has a loaded booth at Toy Fair with prototypes of several news toys including The
Boiler and Inkslinger No. 5 both by Brandt Peters, several Urbanites
from Chris Lee, Buckeye Rot by Sket One, Clownies: Stitches from MAD,
and Cait the Alchemist by Trangark. The overall design and layout
of the booth is quite nice and even has a flat-panel screen showing
stills of 3D models of the toys as well as other content.
Brandt Peters has two separate toy protos on display, The Boiler and Inkslinger No. 5. Both bring Brandt’s retro 30’s inspired art to 3D life.The Boiler is 7" high and comes with an oil can accessory. Inkslinger is 5" high by itself and comes with two tattoo guns, a stool and a crown.
Tragnark’s Cait the Alchemist stands roughly 6" tall and
comes packaged with a Bungie, bird figure, and a dvd with a short
animated feature. Apparently there will be several different Bungie
variants including at least one chase figure.
While several of Chris Lee’s Urbanites were on display, the
star was clearly everyone’s favorite, the bright orange Mellow. Mellow
stands 8" high and comes with a green PVC jello accessory.
Sket One’s badass tomato, Buckeye Rot is looking
better than ever and the big news is that he will be packaged in a wood
crate! It’s always nice to have companies focus on the design of
creative packaging as well as amazing toys. Wheaty Wheat is raising
the bar with this figure.
The first of the twisted vinyl/articulated plush Clownies, Stitches, was on display once again. He stands a whopping 13" high and is incredibly poseable thanks to armature throughout his body.
Also on display was the upcoming and hotly anticipated MAD 2k5 Artist Series 1 figures plus the Save Huck Gee MADL. And… the mini-MADL series lineup was revealed in poster form.
Oh yeah! Awesome showcase WW!
Buckeye Rot is already on my list. ^_^
no joe ledbetter ringo though……..
Nothing to see here. Waste of money to by a booth for this lack luster caliber of products.
Joe ows everything to them. What else does this guy got? the same damn bunny in every pic?