It’s almost time for the ’06 edition of the pop culture dream fest that is the FX (Florida eXtravaganza) show. The FX Show is a sci-fi, comic book, and designer toy show rolled into one — all the better to lure in collectors and enthusiasts of all types 🙂 Nakanari has helped to increase the designer toy presence at FX by working with companies and designers to bring their stuff to the show. For ’06 the designer toy participants include: Owlmovement, Wootini, Yanbi, MPH, Hi-Fructose, Clutter, RockAmerica, TwinkToy, Kumacentral, Brandon Sopinsky’s Wabbitz, outtamymindcreations and Nakanari.
Central Florida Fairgrounds
Exposition Park, Orlando Florida (INDOORS)
4603 W. Colonial Drive, Orlando
Florida 32808
January 27th – 29th, 2006
Friday (preview) 6:00PM to
Saturday 10:00PM
to 6:00PM