Now this is nice… Here’s a look at the Cindy Clawfoot Qee done by Jeremy Gibbs for this weekend’s upcoming Monster Mash show. Apparently Cindy Clawfoot was one of the first Supermonsters and is the quite the diva; she won’t even get out of bed for less than 15,000 calories! This one is darn near perfect. Jeremy’s gone all out to transform this once humble Qee. Check out all the plastic (err sclulpey) surgery! What I love though is how well he incorporates the Diva aspect into the piece — from the haunting eyes to the monochromatic blue color scheme. This monster certainly has a refined aire to it. As an example check out the "fins" — with their undulating shape and color scheme they most clealry belong to a female monster 😉 This piece really highlights Jeremy Gibbs’ amazing technical skill as well as his ever increasing artistry.
The Monster Mash show should be amazing. Haven’t heard of it? Basically artists contribute an original monster on whatever medium they like. Then Monsters are pitted against one another with the audience determining the winner by vote. So it’s art show as monster duel! Great idea. The qualifying heats start this Sunday (01.08) at Here Gallery in Bristol, England. Oh btw, got your Monster Mash Cards? No? Go get ’em.
really nice work, clean and well executed,looking forard to seing it in the flesh on saturday night.
there’s gonna be some seriously monsterous competition at the event!
LUSH . . . just lush. gr8 job man, such a shame we can’t make in saturday. njoy : peace Triclops