Mitsubishi Zinger Qees from the World’s Largest Vending Machine

Yup, it’s another promo toy 😉  This time Mitsubishi is  kicking off their Asia-only SUV crossover vehicle, the Zinger, with a series of 4 3-inch Qees and an 8-inch Qee from Toy2R.  The designs are pretty straightforward and likely to be of interest mostly to completists or other hard-core Qee collectors.  What is cool is how one goes about getting these.  From November 18th to November 30th at the New York New York shopping mall in Taipei, Taiwan people can spend 50NT (about $1.50) to get a capsule from what’s billed as the World’s Largest Vending machine.  For that rather small fee, the machine will spit out one of 4 regular sized qees or potentially the 8-inch blue Qee.  Now, that sounds like fun.  Oh and the proceeds go to a children’s charity.  Why can’t we have such wonky things here in the US?