Creatures from the sea….creatures from space….creatures from long ago….. creatures from WHO KNOWS WHERE!!!! Check out Marmits’s new line of creature toys. カネゴン ($49US see above), is a character from Ultra Q, a Japanese sic-fi/horror TV series that mirrors our The Twilight Zone.
Let your creative juices run wild since this guy comes unpainted and
unassembled. Don’t think you can put together your own toy?? Then
these are for you (see below). From another Japanese TV series, Ultra Seven comes Star Human ($60US メトロ) and finally space creatures ($40-$53US ドゴラ) from a Japanese sci-fi movie Space Large Monstrous Beast ( ドゴラ). Deadline
to order is 11/15 and they will shipped in 02/2006. No words are needed
to describe these toys…just take look at the pics and you know these
are some odd creatures!!!
Boy, I sure would like to buy some of the stuff from that marmit page, but I can’t figure it out! I guess I’m just out of luck!
George: Use Google language tools to translate the page into English. Although it the translation is a bit confusing but after a few reads, you will figure it out….good luck!!!