Were you one of those sci-fi heads that couldn’t get enough of Judge
Dredd (the comic, not the movie!) as a kid? You probably read the UK
pub 2000AD then 🙂 Playlounge & Rebellion in association with Puma present Zarjaz!!,
a show featuring art inspired by 2000AD from a large lineup of talented
artists including such heavy hitters as Pete Fowler, James Jarvis,
TADO, Will Sweeney, Bounty Hunter, Jon Burgerman, Playskewl, Mr.
Clement and Rolito. Zarjaz! opens on 12.10.2005 and runs for a month
through 1.10.2006 at 11 Shorts Gardens in Seven Dials, London
(addresses in Englad seem funny to us Amercians, or at least this one
:-). Should be a pretty cool show with a nice mix of art styles. If
you dig 2000AD or the artists involved (how could you not?), then mark your calendar or keep an eye on the Vinyl Pulse Event Calendar. Thanks to Doktor A for the heads up on hip stuff on the other side of the pond!
Will Sweeney
Pete Fowler
James Jarvis
Lovely work…i’ll be visiting that ‘funny’ London address to see this show…Tado’s Judge Death piece is real quality…looking forward to seeing it in the flesh.
I may be wrong but I think these are just the T-shirt designs… The art pieces may be something else!!!!
Looking forward to this a lot….