Suckadelic’s Latest – The Battle of the Sexes Rages On

Suckadelic constantly pushes the envelope through  underground action figures which simultaneously take on the action figure genre and hot button issues. The creator of what’s touted as the first gay action figure continues to push boundaries and people’s buttons.  Suckadelic’s figures are raw, pure and pointed. Toys as Art?  Yup.  Toys as social commentary?  Check.  Straight from Chinatown NYC comes the latest fig and the first female fig as well.  Spurned souls?  Jealous guys seeking the unattainable? Yes and yes?  This one retails for $30 and is available directly from and select retailers. People continue to worry that designer toys are fading, that they’ve lost their bite.  As long as Suckadelic and others do their own thing, we’ll be just fine.  Hit past the fold for the pic (probably NOT work safe).