So you all must be dying to know who won the Mao Dunny? Well let me
first say, it was a tough contest and for those who entered, I thank
you. Since there wasn’t an entry with all 10 correct answers, we
entered all submissions with 9 correct answers. Below you will find the
correct answers and the winner is….Brad Smith and so if you are Brad,
check your email and respond within 72 hours!!
Didn’t win this round, no worries, another exciting contest is coming your way soon!!!
1. Little Inky Blue – David Horvath
2. Sket Pharaoh Dunny – Sket
3. Red Skull Reaper – Tristan Eaton
4. Voodoo Dunny – Tristan Eaton
5. El Loco Dunny – Tristan Eaton
6. Anarchy Dunny – Frank Kozik
7. Wings – Deph
8. Star on the head 3 inch dunny- Dalek
9. Racing Dunny S2 – Huck Gee
10. Eishu Yosida for Cube Works Japan Dunny