It was time to paint a prototype of Muttpop’s
Tequila figure. Paint application is a very crucial stage of
development. Even though paint attributes to a small portion of the
costs in creating a vinyl toy, it has a MAJOR influence on its
perceived quality. Using the pantone colors suggested last week, the
manufacturer creates a prototype of the painted Tequila figure. The
figure is made with the same rotocast process that is used in the
figure’s mass production.
Although a noble first attempt, the manufacturer got many elements
of the Tequila figure wrong. The Muttpop crew quickly addressed every
concern they had with the initial paint application and provided the
manufacturer with reasonable solutions. You can see some of Muttpop’s
solutions below.
I have to admit, I wasn’t prepared to see Tequila in full colors. I
can’t wait to see the corrections made to make him even better. Be here
next week to see the manufacturer’s corrections in Round 2 of the
Painted Tequila Prototype!
man he’s really coming to life now, even the wrong colours look great!
glad they corrected his sqwiffy eyes!
ha ha.
This is the first time I’ve been on this site and I read the whole process that Muttpop has gone through and have to say that it is absolutely amazing. Besides the point,I know this is a late question, but I was wondering from reading the earlier postings, what are the materials that are used to sculpt the figure? Is it the industial styrafoam? Sculpty? If we could get an even more detailed process regarding techniques, that’d be awesome. Or if anyone knows of any links, it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks and great work on the site and the figure!
Just from somthing I’v had to do in the past. The company I used to workfor when they delt with factories out in the far east they ALWAYs supplied them with 2″ square pain chips mixed to exactly the right pantone colours along with the lists of the correct colour. Some of the production places are a bit crap when it comes to a pantone number, but if they have an example of the colour at hand they can mix to to almost exactly.
This is all making me want to get back into the sculpting business again
I’m glad you dig this first attempt at a colored Tequila.
The eyes HAD to GO! It took the factory a while to get it right, but I think you’ll be happy with the results (seen in Round 3).
I felt there was no better way to get Tequila out in the public eye than to show his evolution over the course of manufacturing the figure. Designer Toy enthusiasts are a very wise group of people. I hope our willingness to show what’s behind the curtain gives them a newfound appreciation to the toy making process.
Monster5 used Sculpty to sculpt the Tequila Figure.
I really like your paint chip idea. We may have to use it on the development of our next figure. Thanks!
Thanks for the tip, appreciate it. Can’t wait to see the end product.
Woo he’s nice n bright! 😀
I like the colors soo much. He is very potery looking. I like the LUCHA style but I cant find any Manwah for it. Found this pictorial online. I live in Los Angeles. When will your main webpage carry content?
Im in the Mid Wilshire area. Any Tequila / LUCHA events happening I should be tipped on? My English laboratory School has many fans of Los Angeles style.
Good LUCK ;}
Samantha Lee.
Yup. Bright is always good…(although the final version won’t be THIS bright!)
Thanks for your compliments! The comics will not be released in the United States for some time. If there is enough interest shown in our series of vinyl figures, we will find a way to release the comics here as well.
Muttpop is ALSO based in LA so you are in LUCK!!
There will be plenty of signings and events in Los Angeles during Tequila’s release in early December.
Don’t make any plans on Friday, December 2nd. We will have our MAJOR Tequila toy release party in Hollywood at that time. All details for the event will be listed here on Vinyl Pulse, so stay tuned.
Thanks for the support,
Muttpop Bob
I wish i knew how to make toys like that…i hope you can make a tutorial for people who inspire to do what your doing with tequila
i think Locha is the one. it is the best designed charachter i have ever seen.. also says alot about the latin comunity and culture…. i love it. i’m from south Africa and if any progress takes place with Locha i’d love to be informed about it…Muttpop you guys are doing a good job man…like to see you carry through the idea to website and animation… i’m studying Multimedia and this is one of the best characters i’ve seen in a while probably ever… good work