Joe Ledbetter + Kidrobot exclusive Mr. Bunny + Only 50 = me getting to
Kidrobot LA at noon (7 hours in advance) and there were already 10 people ahead of me.
David, the first in line was there at 9, can we say dedication or just
insanity? 🙂
The line started to grow shortly after I arrived and by 1:30, there
were at least 40 outside KR. The crowd is a problem!!! Solution:
tickets. Tickets were passed out to everyone in line and thus
guaranteeing them a Mr. Bunny. Now, we can relax a bit and wander
around 3rd Street for the next 5 hours.
Returned to the store at 4. The doors opened shortly after 7 and by
the time I made it into the store I had been waiting for Mr. Bunny for
8 hours. Yes, a full work day! I was sunburned, I was tired, I was
hungry, but there it was. A stack of black boxes neatly stood behind
the counter and when I turned over my blue ticket and Mr. Bunny was in
my hand, I felt victorious.
Along with Mr. Bunny the toy, Joe had a series of paintings ( which
were all sold by closing time). He also had 2 custom 8 inch Dunny (both
sold within 10 minutes of opening). A custom 10 inch labbit selling for
$700 was still waiting for a owner when I left and so is the custom
Trexi. Joe’s 20 inch custom Dunny had a new home by the end of the day.
Didn’t made it out to KR or just didn’t get your hands on a Mr.
Bunny? Check the pics out and hopefully, they will make you stop
David first in line @ 9
The crazy ones
# of Mr. Bunny left when I got mine
David and The first Mr. Bunny
Crazy Richard of WW
drawing of a "flat tire" on Luke’s hand
Hey! Awesome work, Joe! And thanks for the great pics VP!