Tristan Eaton’s Skumbo Signing at KR NY

Courtesy from DragonCypher of NY, we have awesome pictures of the
Tristan Eaton’s Skumbo signing at Kidrobot, NY. From the looks of things,
there was quite a crowd at the signing. Besides the Skumbos, Tristan
was also signing his 20" El Loco with his Regining Kings, even his 20"
custom from VK2 made an appearance. Check out yourself!!

Tristan with SEEN

Paul of KR

Tristan’s Regining Kings

One Reply to “Tristan Eaton’s Skumbo Signing at KR NY”

  1. Wish I could’ve been there so that I could have Tristan, Seen, and DragonCypher sign my sketch book. Were any other artists there? Looks like a great time! I never thought the 20″ Dunny was that big. O_o

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