Surf VS. Stake Show

Surf VS Stake at Project Studio featured surf and stake boards painted by over 30 artists, among them are Joe Ledbetter, Upso, Thomas Han and Luke Chueh. Unaware of a cover of $10 "donation" to enter, the doorman was kind enough to let me in with only the cash I had…..$5. The moment I stepped through the narrow walkway, I found an attractive crowd hovered around the pumping DJ and a bar in the back serving up drinks, the Studio was a cross over of a gallery and a lounge.  Nonetheless, I ventured out seeking boards by the various artists of my interests and look at what I found…..

Joe Ledbetter




Catching up with Joe, I found out it took him four days to finish his surf board and if my memory serves me right, it was going for $2,500, but contact Joe or the studio to confirm. And the rumor has it the toy is coming out REAL soon…..



Thomas Han




Luke Chueh


Damion Silver

Brian Gibb